SmileDrive, a new app by Volkswagen and Google

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Volkswagen and Google announced the beta launch of SmileDrive, a new app designed to maximize fun on every trip. Available to download exclusively in the Google Play store, it remains to be seen whether Canadian drivers will be able to take advantage of it.

SmileDrive connects to a user’s car -- be it a VW or any other make -- through Bluetooth and runs in the background to track data for both everyday commutes and road trips, including location, distance, time, and weather.

Then, the app delivers a Smile Score and awards users with virtual bumper stickers for unique accomplishments. It has also re-imagined the classic “PunchDub” game, allowing people to collect “punches” each time they encounter another Volkswagen running using the app.

On a longer road trip, SmileDrive offers the ability to create a Smilecast: a dynamic travelogue filled with the captured photos, maps of the trip, status updates, as well as other memories that are collected on a single URL.