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HARTSDALE, N.Y. — Virtual Gold, Inc., a leading next-generation data mining software company announced today the availability of a computer program (CarMiner) that will enable users to test their theories and evaluate information about vehicles involved in fatal crashes. If a theory presented to CarMiner is incomplete or inaccurate, the program automatically highlights statistics in the FARS (Fatality Analysis Research System) data that give the user a more accurate picture.

CarMiner is based on a new approach to data mining called causative analysis, the latest brainchild of Dr. Inderpal Bhandari, Founder & CEO of Virtual Gold. The approach involves the use of a computer model of what statistical patterns make sense from the standpoint of physical causality and real-world impact.

Dr. Bhandari explained the benefits. "It turns out that using a computer model of causality makes it easier to assess the impact of the trillions of partial and conditional relationships that exist among variables in high-dimensional data. That, in turn, makes it possible to automatically evaluate very large numbers of patterns efficiently, since most can be eliminated rapidly from consideration. Finally, it makes it easy for non-technical decision makers to use powerful analysis methods since everyone has a commonsense idea of what causality and real-world impact are. I expect that such models will be used routinely by the next generation of data mining software." Causative analysis is now an integral part of Virtual Gold's VirtualMiner technology platform that was used to develop CarMiner.