Study: 5 million fewer Americans classified as obese with 1-mile shorter daily drive

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Researchers from the University of Illinois investigated whether the surge in obesity has anything to do with increased automobile usage. After analyzing data from national statistics measured between 1985 and 2007, they discovered that vehicle use correlated in the 99-percent range with annual obesity rates in the U.S.

Makes sense, doesn't it? Since using other means of transportation than a car, bus or truck forces people to rely on their own power to get to places, changing one's lifestyle in such a way would naturally contribute to weight losses.

Now, one of the study's conclusions is pretty interesting. If every licensed driver reduced their travel by one mile per day, in six years the adult obesity rate would be 2.16 percent lower. In other words, almost 5 million fewer Americans would be classified as obese.

Environmentalists and public transit advocates are no doubt thrilled with this report, although when it comes to shedding pounds, most car users will likely prefer this other scientifically-proven method – healthy eating.

Source : Caradisiac