Time for Some Drivers to Brighten-Up

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No doubt you’ve seen them – cars travelling at night with dimly lit headlights. They standout because they’re usually new’ish cars that should have first class illumination, yet they seem to suffer a brown-out condition similar to Manhattan when everyone switches on their air conditioning at the same time!

So what’s up with that? Let me explain.

It’s because so many drivers don’t understand that it takes two clicks of the light switch to turn on their headlights. These people click once, which illuminates their parking lights but not their headlights. The dull illumination we then see emitted is simply the vehicle’s daytime running lights, which are generally the high beam lights illuminated at 50% capacity.

Please people, if you’re wondering why your headlights are ineffective – read your vehicle’s manual to ensure that you know how to properly switch them on! With modern luminescent instrument panels that glow brightly all the time, we’ve lost the reminder that used to come with not being able to see a darkened speedo.

I once asked a driver why he didn’t have his headlight on. He insisted that he did. When I showed him that his light switch had two positions, he told me that he thought the second click was to activate his high beams! Are these people for real! I then showed him how to control his high beam lights and pointed out the corresponding blue indicator on his instrument panel.

Failing to use one’s headlights properly compromises everyone’s safety , especially the safety of pedestrians that may not be seen by a driver relying solely upon daytime driving lights. It’s time for these drivers to brighten up!