Top 10 Most Stolen Cars of 2010

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The good'ol boys from the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) released its annual list of hot stolen commodities for 2010.

As per what would seem usual, high-end AWD and 4X4 products are high on the menu for thieves, looking to pay some bills.

Those that are not luxury cars or have four wheels a'working are regulars on this list. Honda takes the cake for the umpteenth year as, of the 10, 5 are from this Asian automaker. If only new car sales were as good, Honda would be doing much better these days...

GM is #2 on the most “taken” charts with two Cadillacs and uno Hummer.

photo: Hummer

2004 Hummer H2 4-door AWD
Nothing says “American” like a Hummer. The World over, the desire to attain the American dream drives many to crime. Seeing superstars like the “Terminator” prance around in Hummers makes everyone want one, regardless.