Top 5 Drives

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Whether or not you’ve a purpose in mind, it’s not the destination, it’s the journey that matters, and the fact that we’re choosing (at that particular pivotal moment in our lives) to turn to a vehicle to proceed. We’ve noticed over the years, that “the drive” comes up in a number of situations, and it’s made us realize how important vehicles are to us as humans (and not just as modes of transportation).

Here then are the top 5 drives we feel are the most important and common:

No. 5 The Angry Drive
While not the most pleasant, it is perhaps one of the more popular “drives.” Usually occurring after a marital or relationship spat, this drive is often not announced and is simply prefaced by one partner angrily grabbing the keys to their vehicle and storming out the front door. Said drive is therapeutic, relaxing, relieving and may even offer the driver time to think about what he/she has said or done so they may return home in a better place.