New York 2022: A Top 10 of 'Under the Radar' Highlights While you were looking the other way ...

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The 2022 edition of the New York Auto Show certainly didn't make history for its abundance of unveilings. Several automotive brands were conspicuous by their absence, while other divisions had nothing to unveil at this annual meeting that has been manhandled and disrupted - like all other car shows for that matter - by the pandemic for over two years now.

Nevertheless, the organizers of this major international show found a way to fill up many of the rooms at the Javits Center, venue that has hosted the show since the 1980s.

In addition to the more official unveilings, all of which received their due coverage from us yesterday (and are listed below, for your reading and viewing pleasure) here is what else caught the attention of our contributor Vincent Aubé who was present on media day, and who took the time to explore some of the further reaches of the event.

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The 2023 Toyota GR Corolla... in all its glory!

Photo: V.Aubé
The 2023 Toyota GR Corolla

The new rally-inspired bomb is the talk of the town among driving enthusiasts. We don't know all the details yet - including the price of the Canadian version - but one thing’s for sure: getting a look at the car on a showroom floor only increases our desire to try it out on a closed circuit... or else on a dirt surface!

Citroën BX 4TC and Nissan Pulsar GTI-R

Photo: V.Aubé
A Citroën BX 4TC and a Nissan Pulsar GTI-R

Sticking with the "racing" theme, here are two cars from two different periods of the last century. On the left, a Citroën BX 4TC developed for the Group B category in rallying in the mid-1980s. The French car was not only dressed in this angular armour, but also had a turbocharged 4-cylinder engine and an all-wheel drive system.

On the right, a Nissan Pulsar GTI-R launched in the early 90s; the bombshell was also powered by a turbocharged 4-cylinder and featured all-wheel drive.