See This Full-Scale Toyota Land Cruiser Made of... 440,000 Lego Pieces The Land Cruiser isn't the first model that can be made using Lego blocks, but the difference is that this time it's "life-size"

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Several classics from the history of the automobile are offered in scale models that can be assembled from Lego pieces, some of them replicas of truly exceptional cars created with these blocks that marked so many childhoods.

The concept has just been taken to a new level by Al-Futaim Toyota in the United Arab Emirates. The dealership called on a Lego-certified builder for an unusual project: assembly of a full-scale Toyota Land Cruiser 300., 100% online, shop for your next car, buy online and get it delivered to you anywhere in Quebec!

Photo: Toyota
The Lego Toyota Land Cruiser, from above

The model, on display next to the real vehicle in the Dubai Mall until December 15, is incredibly similar and respectful of the original product. The sculpture has the exact same dimensions as the real SUV, at 194.9 in length and 74 inches in height.

The massive project took over 440,000 Lego blocks and weighs over 4500 lb, which is actually not far off the Land Cruiser's 5,700 lb. The Lego Land Cruiser was assembled by 12 team members and doing so took 2,688 hours.

The Lego version is based on the latest generation of the model, which is not sold in Canada, but is an icon in other parts of the world, including the United States where it has long been offered. Here, the vehicle takes the form of the Lexus LX.

This Toyota Land Cruiser Lego is as impressive as it is, well, useless. Just goes shows to what extent automotive passion has no limits or boundaries. When a project is born in the minds of a few individuals, it must be carried out. That's the beauty of this business.

Photo: Toyota
The Lego Toyota Land Cruiser, front grille
Photo: Toyota
The Lego Toyota Land Cruiser, hatch
Photo: Toyota
The Lego Toyota Land Cruiser, detail
Photo: Toyota
The Lego Toyota Land Cruiser, rear light
Photo: Toyota
The Lego Toyota Land Cruiser, wheel