Turbo engines increasingly popular

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Honeywell Turbo Technologies is actively working with many car makers to develop more turbocharged engines, which are increasingly popular these days. The turbines help keep displacement down to reduce fuel consumption, but without compromising power.

3.2 million cars that are turbo'd should be sold in 2012 – a million more than last year –. It is a testament of the Americans' changing mentality, in response to the increasing fuel prices.

The average engine size, which in 2007 was 3.6L, should have come down to just 2.9L by 2016.

The turbocharged engines developed by Honeywell can be adapted to any type of car, regardless of the category. In 2008, 2 % of autos sold in the US were turbocharged; the percentage went up to 9.5 in 2011, and should reach 23.5 in 2017. Such engines allow between 20 and 40 % more fuel economy, without affecting the performances.