Updating your car insurance

Maintain Good Relations With Your Insurer
To avoid any possibility of litigation or confusion with your insurance company, it is important to update your car insurance policy whenever your personal situation changes. When you purchase car insurance, you provide your insurer with personal information, which is used to determine the amount of your premiums.  These premiums are can vary depending on where you live and work, the use you make of your vehicle and other factors.

It is important therefore to advise your insurer of any change in your personal situation. The following series of questions can help you know when to contact your insurer to update your car insurance policy.

Updating an Insurance Policy

Q: Have you changed residence since you signed your car insurance contract?
It is important that you notify your insurance company of any address change.

Q: Have you changed jobs?
If you now use your car to travel to work, you must inform your insurance company.

Q: Do you use your vehicle for commercial purposes?
If so, your insurance policy will need to be modified accordingly.

Q: Does a second driver use your car?
It is important to register new occasional drivers of your car with your insurer.

Q: Have you modified your vehicle or added performance accessories to it?
Your insurer must be notified of these changes.

Q: Was your vehicle removed from circulation or placed back into circulation?
Removing your car from circulation allows you to suspend certain insurance protections and benefit from a partial refund. You must advise your insurer of any change to your vehicle’s status.

Q: Have you installed or uninstalled an antitheft or tracking device in your car?
These theft-deterrence systems modify your policy; you need to advise your insurer of any change.