V12: The funniest and most amazing car videos you'll ever see!

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Reality often trumps fiction, and every day our V12 bloggers post some of the most astounding videos from around the world, capturing the unique interaction between humans and automobiles.

You’ll find cool clips and sad stories, wins and fails, and plenty of absurd and mind-boggling videos. V12 is a supercharged blog that runs on high-octane fuel for your viewing pleasure only.

Man can do some pretty amazing things with a car, and imagination knows no bounds. Some folks enjoy taking risks and seeking extreme thrills, while others are just incompetent, reckless fools.

Here are some of the latest entries:

A Lamborghini Gallardo on a ski slope... yes, a ski slope!

A daughter surprises her stepdad with an amazing gift

Crazy scooter traffic jam in Taiwan

Jump from a ladder, over a car speeding towards you... what a great idea!