Volkswagen to offer ''navigation lock'' The new Fender audio system will feature nine dual-coil speakers

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Volkswagen desperately wants to prevent thieves from stealing navigation systems in their customers' vehicles, so they came up with this innovative ''navigation lock''.
Photo: Matthieu Lambert/

It's a mechanical protection with a solid, colour-matched cover that locks into place and conceals the visible part of the navigation system – the user interface. Robbers won't be immediately drawn to a GPS-equipped vehicle, thereby significantly reducing the risk of them stealing the device.

The navigation lock is designed for RNS 310 and RNS 510 models found in the current-generation Golf , Passat and Passat CC . It's available through VW dealers for 199 euros (about $268), including installation.

Security has a price, after all.

Source: Auto Blog via The Driving Dutchman