Welcome to Heels & Wheels

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At the risk of sounding cliched and perhaps even a little bitchy: It's not just a boy's game. You've all heard it said before, but this time we really mean it. Welcome to Heels & Wheels, a site driven by women who drive for a living and love every minute of it.

That's right, we're taking over a section of our beloved parent site, Auto123.com, to bring you content for women, by women, covering everything and anything to do with the automotive world. From product reviews (GPS systems, baby seats , iPhone apps) to test drives and event coverage, the Heels & Wheels ladies will provide you with the best content we can on a weekly basis. We'll also feature blogs where our experts document their trials and tribulations behind the wheel and tell you what it's really like to drive a manual in stilettos (not as easy as some may think) and any other speed bumps we encounter along the way.

There's no denying that a definite shift is taking place within the automotive industry, and women are taking the helm when it comes to buying vehicles - both high-end and econoboxes. Why is that? Well, our placement in the workforce has risen as have our salaries, so it's all relative. With more money to spend and more confidence in ourselves (thanks to sites like Heels & Wheels), we've stormed the auto scene with a vengeance with more than 50% of car sales being made by women.

Which is why we thought it was about time us girls had an automotive site dedicated to the things we care about in the automotive world. Heels & Wheels will feature a little bit of everything for every woman from the auto enthusiast to the novice, we're here to offer advice, tips and general information about the great big world of cars.

It doesn't have to be an intimidating subject, and we here at Heels & Wheels want to make sure our readers feel as cozy visiting our site as they do when they settle down with their Kindle and a cup of tea for an afternoon read. We're always here to answer questions, comments and take suggestions. After all, we're here for you.

And who are we? Well, we're a dedicated team of automotive women who've been in the business for a few decades combined. You can discover more about us later in the month when we introduce you to the team. For now, just trust that we're here to provide you with the best information we can, and we'll deliver it in a way that's easy to take in and fun to read and watch.

So, welcome to Heels & Wheels, ladies. Leave it in neutral and stick around for a bit.