Will fuel prices affect your summer vacations?

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The annual two-week break for construction workers has finally arrived. Nearly 120,000 of them will benefit from these well-deserved vacations this summer. But while vacations are synonymous with travel and camping, there's always the matter of fuel prices . At $1.50 per liter in some provinces, will they have a significant impact on the summer plans of Canadians? The answer seems to be yes. Research firm Harris/Decima conducted a survey on the driving habits of Canadians this summer. A number of interesting results and findings emerged.
More than two thirds of Quebecers plan on making at least one car trip during their summer vacations, 54 percent of whom are considering shorter travels due to high fuel prices. Across the country, drivers in the Atlantic provinces are more inclined to avoid the open road. Most people living in faraway regions will also change their plans, according to the survey. Harris/Decima says that "road travel continues to be the preferred choice of transportation of Quebecers, but vacationers have to be smarter when travelling so as to get more bang for their buck." For instance, expect more and more drivers to significantly reduce their speed in order to save fuel ... and admire the beautiful Canadian landscapes. photo: Jupiter images