WTCC: Chevrolet clinches both world titles again

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For the second consecutive year Chevrolet made a clean sweep in the World Touring Car Championship.

With two victories at Valencia and three events still on the calendar the Cruze cars built and run by RML have already secured both the Manufacturers’ and Drivers’ titles.In what will be a record season for its domination, Chevrolet has built a gap of 304 points ahead of BMW with only 258 still at stake.

As for the drivers, Tom Coronel is currently fourth, but his gap of 175 points means he is mathematically excluded from the fight that remains restricted to the Muller-Huff-Menu trio.


Continuing on the impressive trend of the latest three events, in which he claimed three pole positions and five race wins out of six, Yvan Muller has moved an almost decisive step towards a third WTCC crown. The reigning world champion had arrived in Valencia with six points to recover from Rob Huff and now leaves Spain with a 16-point lead.

There is still plenty of opportunities for Huff to reverse the situation once again, however by ousting his young team-mate from the lead he had taken since the first race in Brazil, Muller has delivered a clearly threatening message.

Scoring a double victory today, Kristian Poulsen has jumped on top of the Yokohama Trophy, only four points ahead of Norbert Michelisz.

The championship will resume in Suzuka, Japan, on October 23rd for rounds 19 and 20.