WTCC: Chevrolet keeps the same drivers for 2012

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From Press release

Rob Huff, Alain Menu and Yvan Muller will be driving the Chevrolet Cruzes in the 2012 World Touring Car Championship (WTCC).

The announcement was made today in Zurich, ahead of the three Asian races that will conclude the 2011 WTCC and which will see the three Chevrolet drivers fight for the 2011 Drivers' title.

Following an extremely successful 2011 campaign, which has seen the Chevrolet drivers winning 16 out of the 18 races held so far, the decision to renew the partnerships with Huff, Menu and Muller appears as completely logical and in line with the approach to work with its drivers on a long term basis that Chevrolet has taken since the beginning of its involvement in the WTCC back in 2005. 2012 will be the third season for Yvan with the RML team and the eighth for Rob and Alain.

Yvan Muller, Alain Menu, Rob Huff, Chevrolet. (Photo: Chevrolet)

Eric Nève commented: "I am happy we can announce our 2012 driver line up ahead of the last, decisive rounds of this season. It makes perfect sense for us to keep them onboard. Rob, Alain and Yvan are not only three top class drivers, committed and professional, they are also excellent ambassadors of our brand. They can now travel to Asia with even clearer minds."

Chevrolet Europe Motorsport Manager added: "It is an exceptional situation to have the three drivers of the same team as the only title contenders. We will try and manage this in the fairest way possible by providing them the best cars and conditions to defend their chances. There won't be any team orders as such. They will race each other hard but it will have to remain fair and not endanger the interests of the team and the brand. I am sure we are going to see some exciting racing!"