Voir la version complète : GM dévoile un plan de restructuration sans Saab, Hummer ni Saturn

18/02/2009, 00h00
Tel qu'il a été exigé par le Congrès en tant que condition du sauvetage financier, GM a dévoilé aujourd'hui son plan de restructuration et de rentabilité dans le carde de l'effondrement économique qui ébranle les constructeurs automobiles du monde entier.
[suite (http://www.auto123.com/fr/actualites/actualites-automobiles/gm-devoile-un-plan-de-restructuration-sans-saab-hummer-ni-saturn?artid=105204)]

19/02/2009, 07h51
Selon Wall Street Journal, Pontiac passe aussi dans la trappe...

In turning its back on Saturn, Pontiac, Saab and Hummer, General Motors Corp. is abandoning a decades-old product strategy that once helped ensure its dominance.
Left with just four key brands, GM will be a leaner, more focused car company. But it also risks a further slide in its already-shrunken market share as it loses customers who gravitated to the four orphaned lines. These buyers may have little interest in driving a Chevrolet, Buick, Cadillac or GMC truck.
"GM has to do what it has to do to survive," Russell McBain, general manager of the Saturn dealership in Warren, Mich., ...