4 Pneus/Tires SANS RIMS/JANTES Michelin Artic Alpin 215/60 R16 avec plus ou moins un hiver(5000km) SANS JANTES/RIMS. 200$ (514)264-9213. VALEUR DE PLUS DE 200$/ch.neuf. Winter Tire, Rated Number One. The name Michelin has always been synonymous with quality. In the Arctic Alpin, Michelin has taken quality a step further. The Arctic Alpin is an improved version of Michelin's XM+S Alpin, rated best overall winter tire by a leading consumer publication. The Arctic Alpin is designed with the idea that a larger contact patch between a winter tire and an icy road will give the driver better control.

Marque : Michelin
Type de produits : Régulier
Type de véhicules : Auto
Saison : Hiver
Dimensions:bande de roulement : 215 Dimensions:rapport flanc/bande 60 Dimensionsiamètre (pouces) R16

PRIX: 200.00$ (pour les 4 pneus SANS RIMS)

LIEUX: Montreal (pres du centre ville)

PAS DE PM ou de EMAIL contact direct au tel (514)264-9213 pour question.