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Discussion: Mitsubishi - Plan de restructuration

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  1. #1
    Maître 123 Avatar de fkc9
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2004
    Valleyfield, qc
    1 309

    Par défaut Mitsubishi - Plan de restructuration

    En gros:

    Recall au japon

    The current investigation by a panel of external lawyers into past recall problems will be completed by the end of the fiscal year. The company will be determining disciplinary action and measures to prevent any recurrence on the basis of the panel's findings.

    ♦ Putting customers first / Recovering trust

    * The new plan puts customers first in all areas, from marketing through after-sales services
    * The new plan provides measures for achieving no-compromise improvements in product quality

    ♦ Business strategy

    * Sales plans reflect downside risks
    * Promotion of operational tie-ups with other auto makers
    * Rationalization of production capacity and size of sales networks (U.S., Australia, Japan)

    ♦ Reinforcement of capital and funding

    * Strengthening of financial standing and securing capital for revitalization

    ♦ Boosting management's effectiveness

    * Lead from the top with a new management team
    * Set up a thorough follow-up system

    ♦ Return to profitability in fiscal 2006 (net income of 8 billion yen)
    ♦ Establish sustainable profitability in fiscal 2007 (net income of 41 billion yen)

    (2) Product strategy

    a. Motorsport
    Mitsubishi Motors places motorsport at the very heart of its car design and development activities. The technology and know-how built up through taking part in grueling and competitive events such as the Dakar rally and the World Rally Championship is being fed back and injected into production cars as the "Sporty DNA" and "SUV DNA" that defines the MMC brand. That same technology and know-how enables the company to increase safety and durability as well as on- and off-road driving performance, thereby raising product value in a lineup that fully embodies these qualities.

    b. Improved efficiencies in model mix
    The new plan incorporates measures under which the company will trim back the number of low-volume models produced for individual markets and concentrate managerial resources on highly competitive global market models. This will raise development and production efficiencies.

    c. New model launches
    The new plan calls for a major increase in the number of new model launches compared with the last four years. The company will expand earning opportunities by aggressively introducing new models in all regions.

    Argent et avenir

    Capital reinforcement
    With the full-support of three Mitsubishi group companies, during the current fiscal year the company will make a capital enhancement of 270 billion yen through the issue of new common and preferred shares [Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, 50 billion yen; Mitsubishi Corporation, 70 billion yen; The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, 150 billion yen (of which 50 billion yen in a debt-for-equity swap)].
    As stated above, this fiscal year the company has adopted asset impairment accounting principles. While this will lead to an impairment of capital, the capital enhancement will make possible the restoration of shareholders' equity to an appropriate level and assist the company in putting its financial status on a healthy standing.
    The capital increase will bring the combined holding of the three Mitsubishi group companies in the company to 34%. Because this will also bring MHI's holding up to 15%, the company expects to become an equity method affiliate of MHI in fiscal 2005.

    (3) Capital Expenditure for Revitalization
    The capital enhancement and funding measures will give the company access to 490 billion yen (excluding a 50 billion yen debt-for-equity swap). The company will allocate this funding with maximum effect to R&D and capital investment which will provide the platform vital to the successful achievement of the targets and goals set out in the Mitsubishi Motors Revitalization Plan.
    Plus d'info ici pour ceux que ca intéresse:
    Ma voiture actuellement, Mitsubishi RVR GT 2012 bleu cosmique

  2. #2
    Maître 123 Avatar de fkc9
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2004
    Valleyfield, qc
    1 309

    Par défaut

    Il y a 2 données importantes dans le fichier PDF "linké" a la fin de l'article:

    Pour l'amériques, mitsu prévoit introduire dans les 3 prochaines années (a comptés de 2005),
    5 nouveaux modèles. Si on compte déjà l'Eclipse et le Raider, il nous resterait encore 3 autres modèles a etre renouveller d'ici début 2008.

    Je prédit un nouveau Lancer, un nouveau outlander pis soit ce nouveau SUV (prévue pour le japon en 2005):

    ou bien un nouveau EVO X

    Car Mitsu veut passer de 9 modèles globals et de 17 régionals (actuellement) pour 10 modèles globals et seulement 14 régionals dans le futur proche. Donc ce petit SUV pourrait possiblement venir en amérique.
    Ma voiture actuellement, Mitsubishi RVR GT 2012 bleu cosmique

  3. #3
    Maître 123 Avatar de Concept
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2005
    Granby, qc
    1 641

    Par défaut

    vraiment débile la nouvelle Évo, dommage que nous l'avons pas encore, as tu d'autres photos de l'évo x

  4. #4
    Maître 123 Avatar de fkc9
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2004
    Valleyfield, qc
    1 309

    Par défaut

    Ce sont que des versions "prototypes" encore pour le moment
    Ma voiture actuellement, Mitsubishi RVR GT 2012 bleu cosmique

  5. #5
    Membre 123
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2001

    Par défaut

    Mitsu a la chance d'être dans un kereitsu, un gigantesque conglomérat japonais. Ils pourront surement aller puiser de l'$ via cette alliance, surtout que le centre du kereitsu est une banque... Je connais cependant pas la santé financière des autres institutions de l'alliance,qui comprend, entre autres, les produits Nikon...

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