Citation Envoyé par jaimeleschars Voir le message
Le diesel serait vraiment un plus. On serait proche de la perfection côté SUV compact selon moi.

J' ai lu cette hiver que la disponibilité du Cx-5 diesel se ferait 18 mois après l'entré sur le marché dudit véhicule ...donc année modèle 2014..
Voici : source truck trend , mazda cx-9,
That could make it a good candidate for the Skyactiv-D, which produces a modest 173 hp in its current tune, but a substantial 310 lb-ft of torque, which would work well in a crossover application. Mazda already offers the Skyactiv-D as an option in the overseas-market CX-5 compact crossover, and has hinted it could be offered in the next-generation Mazda6 midsize sedan, previewed by the Takeri concept that has been making the rounds. Mazda has also officially announced that the Skyactiv-D will be coming to the U.S. market in some form, although the company has not specified which model will get it first in the U.S. market, but the leading contenders are the aforementioned CX-5 and next-generation Mazda6.

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That could make it a good candidate for the Skyactiv-D, which produces a modesent tune, but a substantial 310 lb-ft of torque, which would work wJ' ai luell jjjin a crossover application. Mazda already offers the Skyactiv-D as an option in the overseas-market CX-5 compact crossover, and has hinted it could be offered in the next-generation Mazda6 midsize sedan, previewed by the Takeri concept that has been making the rounds. Mazda has also officially announced that the Skyactiv-D will be coming to the U.S. market in some form, although the company has not specified which model will get it first in the U.S. market, but the leading contenders are the aforementioned CX-5 and next-generation Ma