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Polestar Will Name its Future Models and Generations Like Apple Names its Phones

Polestar 2 | Photo: D.Boshouwers
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Daniel Rufiange
The current Polestar 2 will thus be replaced by a next-generation model, named Polestar 7.

Polestar will adopt a new way of naming its vehicles, using a system pioneered by Apple which has identified each succeeding generation of its iPhone with a higher number.

A representative for the automaker confirmed the new strategy to Auto Express. As an example, he said that the current Polestar 2, when replaced by a similar model/next generation, will become the Polestar 7. This comes as the company gets set to launch two new vehicles, the Polestar 3 and Polestar 4. Those models, when upgraded to a second generation, would logically become the Polestar 8 and Polestar 9.

To which we say, Why make things simple when they can be complicated?

Polestar 4, in profile
Polestar 4, in profile | Photo: Polestar

As for entirely new models coming onto the market, we can guess that they’ll be given the next available number. In theory, then, we'd eventually see a Polestar 14 or a Polestar 26 at our local dealer.

The strategy works well for Apple, because we're talking about a unique product that remains essentially the same; it just evolves.

When it comes to vehicle nomenclatures, however, this strategy seems like it’s asking for trouble.

Whatever the names that will feature on the back, Polestar has big plans for its future models. There are plans to develop a fastback sedan to rival the Porsche Taycan, and a sporty convertible aimed at the Tesla Roadster, should that model ever make its promised return to the market.

In the short term, we’ll have the Polestar 3 and Polestar 4. Note that the Polestar 4 is smaller than the others, another potential cause of confusion. Consumers are used to a higher number representing a higher hierarchical position in the range. Polestar will have to overcome this ingrained mindset.

At first glance, then, Polestar’s move seems like a mighty strange one. Mind you, Volvo’s all-electric sub brand has navigated by its own compass from the very beginning. We'll have to wait and see what public response will be. If people buy the concept, it will stay. If they scratch their heads and turn their noses up and it affects sales, the company will back off.

Stay tuned.

The Polestar 3, at the 2024 New York Auto Show
The Polestar 3, at the 2024 New York Auto Show | Photo: D.Boshouwers
Daniel Rufiange
Daniel Rufiange
Automotive expert
  • Over 17 years' experience as an automotive journalist
  • More than 75 test drives in the past year
  • Participation in over 250 new vehicle launches in the presence of the brand's technical specialists