SEMA 2009: Progressive Automotive Xprize: Building the future (photos)

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Winning $10 million is pretty sweet, especially when you can use the money to develop a car that may end up solving the world’s sustainable energy problems. That’s what the Progressive Automotive Xprize contest is all about: rewarding a team that has found the best compromise for a modern, efficient and environmentally-friendly automobile.

This year, more than 30 teams from across the globe are participating, including some from Canada. The organization took advantage of the 2009 SEMA Show to introduce visitors to some of the creations that are further along in their development.

"SEMA serves as practical training for the teams. We meet with them for a short technical briefing and then we further discuss the various requirements. It also gives us a chance to let visitors know that development is indeed progressing," explained Xprize spokesman Peter Diamandis.

At SEMA, the non-profit organization officially received a new $5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy. The idea is to help surround teams in their projects and launch education programs on clean technologies for students and consumers.

Unique cars
The teams on hand were able to show industry representatives where their projects currently stand. For most, there is still a lot of work to do before they can say "Mission accomplished."

Each vehicle will be assessed on specific criteria, particularly real-world fuel economy (at least 100 mpg), emission control and the company’s ability to produce at least 10,000 units at an affordable price.

Experts will also evaluate design and aerodynamic performance. Technical tests will be conducted next spring and the big winner will be announced in September 2010.