They are the series' benchmark. Champions last year with Cristiano da Matta, Newman/Haas Racing has two new drivers this year in Bruno Junqueira and Sebastien Bourdais. Junqueira currently runs second to Paul Tracy in the championship of course, while Bourdais has shown himself to be an exceptional rookie with three wins to his credit, the most recent an impressive defeat of Tracy in Cleveland.

Kevin Chambers is Newman/Haas's crew chief, overseeing the preparation of both cars. Chambers has specific responsibility for Bourdais's car in partnership with chief mechanic Pedro Campuzano. "He's very impressive," Chambers says about the team's rookie driver. "I think both drivers are very impressive.

"To do what Sebastien's doing is pretty incredible," Chambers added. "He's not showing just raw talent. He's showing patience and what it takes to win. Usually you have to mature into that and it seems like he's done a good job at that. He made a few rookie mistakes but he got them out of the way early. He's a smart driver.

"At Cleveland, it was quite impressive that he had the patience to stay behind Tracy and wait for his opportunity instead of forcing the issue. Once he got past Tracy, he was gone."

Don Hoevel was chief mechanic on da Matta's car the last two years and now performs the same task for Junquiera. Hoevel says the keys to Newman/Haas's continued success are simple.