
On a very hot and fast Vancouver street course, Rocketsports drivers, Alex Tagliani and Memo Gidley secured their positions on the starting grid for the Molson Indy Vancouver. Gidley got onto the track early, avoiding the three red flags that stalled the session, and posted his best time, of 1:01.365 in lap 14. Gidley was fourth quickest in the session and qualified fifth overall, landing the No.17 Rocketsports Air Force Reserve Lola in fifth position on the starting grid for Sunday's race.

Alex Tagliani in the No. 8 Johnson Controls Lola used an alternate strategy and entered the competition later in the session, only to get caught in a series of red flags, which prevented him, among other drivers, from clocking a competitive lap. Tagliani's qualifying time from the first session on Friday earned him a top-ten starting position on the grid. With a time of 1:03.073, Tagliani was 15th in today's session, but ninth overall.

"The team took a gamble with our strategy this afternoon by waiting to go out later in the session. Unfortunately I got caught in many red flags and wasn't able to get a good lap in," said Tagliani. "The Johnson Controls team gave me a fast car, but we weren't able to show what it was able to do. We'll have to work on our race strategy for tomorrow and try to pass, which isn't easy on this track. I have a good car and I'll have to keep my nose clean and make no mistakes in the race. I'll have to keep an eye on what the guys are doing on the track and look for opportunities to pass."