Copyright © 2003, CART, Inc.

As the Rocketsports crew spent last week preparing for the upcoming London Champ Car Trophy in Brands Hatch, England on May 5th and the German 500 at  the Euro Speedway in Lausitz, Germany on May 11th there was a 'positive energy' buzzing around the shop. Energy named Alex Tagliani.

Tagliani was in Michigan visiting sponsor Johnson Controls' locations in  Plymouth and Holland, and spent time between visits with "the guys" in the Rocketsports shop. Tagliani poked around with equipment, lent a hand and spent some "down-time" with the crew. His excitement over the upcoming European races was obvious and infectious.

"I'm proud that Champ Car continues to add interesting courses and cool venues to the schedule," said Tagliani, who is currently eighth in the 2003 Champ Car World Series standings with 17 points. "Brands Hatch will be a great racing 'show' with different types of cars participating. The BTCC (British Touring Car Championship) and the Porsche Cup will be like a new culture of racing for Champ Car. Two races in Europe will also give European fans more exposure to live Champ Car races."

As the Champ Car World Series returns to Brands Hatch for the first time since 1978, the venue will refresh the competition among the 2003 drivers. "Brands Hatch is new to the majority of drivers and this will level the playing field for new and old teams because no one has the advantage of a long history racing there," explained Tagliani. "I am curious to see how this race will turn out since passing will be tight and the weather is always unpredictable, although I am confident the Bridgestone (Potenza) tires will grip the road in any condition as they always do."