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2004 Volkswagen Passat TDi

The 2004 Volkswagen Passat is mostly unchanged from the 2003 model year. A complete head to toe revamp is scheduled for mid-2005. The Passat has been the best selling midsize German car since its introduction on our shores in 1990. Volkswagen has been through some very tough times in the recent past and their sale numbers have fallen. But so have almost everyone else's. The next 12 months will be a crucial time because VW will be introducing at least 3 new models and the public will have to bite, otherwise VW will have to make more cuts. There have even been talks of a takeover of the company by investment groups. This is Germany's largest manufacturer and hopefully the eccentricity and overspending it is known for has been curbed. The tested Passat was a GLS TDi with the leather and luxury packages and Volkswagen's electronic stabilization program (ESP). It retailed for 35 830$.