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2007 Nissan Sentra 2.0S Road Test

The Sentra has been with us for a very long time, since 1982 in fact. The 2007 car is the one ushering in the sixth generation of Nissan's compact car. Before the Sentra, as some of you might recall, was Datsun 210. Clearly this little car has quite a lot of history. Although that may be the case, the Sentra certainly cannot nor could it have ever claimed to be as popular as the Honda Civic or Toyota Corolla. When I look back on the Sentra's history, I can find only one real flaw: it has never had any palpable flavour. Through the years, the Sentra rusted, leaked oil and was as noisy as the others. What defined the competitors was "fun behind the wheel" or "as reliable as old faithful".