Top 10: Super Bowl LIV’s Car Ads, From Best to Worst A 30-second spot on this year’s football extravaganza cost $5.6 million

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3 - Audi e-Tron

Fellow German automaker Audi opted to go with a message that’s a touch more, shall we say, sanctimonious. The ad stars Massie Williams, the one and only Arya Stark in the Games of Thrones series, and shows her stuck in that infamous Los Angeles traffic – in which for decades frustrated owners of combustion-engine vehicles have found themselves ensnared. In the background plays the song "Let it Go" from Disney's Frozen.

Now, recall that traditional gas engines often take the acronym ICE, for Internal Combustion Engine. But of course, Arya Stark had her fill of frozen stuff and ice in Game of Thrones, and so we have the all-electric e-tron. A job very well done by Audi… even if it is a tad sanctimonious.