
Click here for Flagworld's pictures from Toronto Molson Indy (Saturday) - Tagliani

As dark clouds hovered over Toronto, Alex Tagliani in the # 33 Johnson Controls Lola screamed out of the Rocketsports pit early in today's qualifying session, hoping to avoid the rain. Tagliani was third quickest in the session with a fast lap of 59.261 (106.613 mph, 171.577 km/h) and fourth in the combined qualifying results. Tagliani will sit in fourth position on the starting grid for the 18th annual Molson Indy Toronto.

"We are satisfied with our results in qualifying today," said Tagliani about his best starting position in four Toronto attempts. "The car feels very good; the guys have done a great job with it. We expected to get some rain and took a gamble by going out early in the session. The rain didn't come as expected, so the track had more grip and may have been better later on, but we were still fast and hope to finish on the podium tomorrow."

"I was in Montreal this week visiting my family, but also spent a lot of time on the phone with the engineers working on the set-up for this weekend," reported Tagliani. "I have to say, hats off to the engineers, who just started working with the data on the Toronto track and the set-up needed here. They have prepared a fast car and if we keep this up we'll have some great results. I am excited for next year when we will have collected more data on the Lola and the Toronto set-up, and things will be even better," said Tagliani, pleased with the continual growth and progress of the Rocketsports team.