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A journalist attempts to break in Michael Schumacher's room

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Khatir Soltani
No change in former Formula 1 champion, Michael Schumacher's condition after fourth night in CHU Grenoble hospital in France after his terrible ski accident.

Schumacher underwent a second neurochirurgical surgery to release some of the pressure on his brain with a dangerous haematoma also removed.

The seven-time F1 champion remains in a critical but stable condition in a medically-induced coma and will be treated in Grenoble for the foreseeable future.

"He still remains in a coma and for the moment there is absolutely no question of evaluating him from a neurological point of view and seeing how he will be when he wakes up," warned the medical team.

Meanwhile, German magazine Bild reveals that Schumacher had his accident after he helped the daughter of a friend who fell on the side of the slope.

Schumacher stopped to see if the young girl was all right, and then cut across the off-piste where he hit a rock.

French newspapers also revealed that a journalist, disguised as a priest, tried to break in Schumacher's room at the hospital last Thursday.

Sabine Kehm, Schumacher's spokeperson, said that the journalist was arrested by the police.

Additionally, in internal note of the CHU Grenoble was sent to all employees, preventing them to have access to Michael Schumacher's medical records. This decision was taken to avoid any information to leak to the press and to preserve the medical secret.

Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
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