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A Reventon? But of course!

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Marc Bouchard
The ultimate high-performance machine could be yours. That is, of course, if you don’t mind shelling out some two millions US dollars to slip behind the wheel of a Lamborghini Reventon – a used one, naturally.

Photo: Lamborghini

Better yet, with a little patience and research, you could even choose your own model, though only 20 units have ever officially been built., a site specializing in the sale of luxury products, features no less than 14 of the 20 Reventons ever manufactured, at prices varying between two and three million dollars. Or how about one of the few Reventon Roadsters built in 2010: the site has three of them.

You could find yourself driving a Reventon with less than 150 kilometres on it (some as little as 10 km). But before you whip out your credit card, be prepared to pay extra for transportation and delivery, as not a one is available in Canada.

After all, what’s a few bucks when you can make one of your dreams come true?

Photo: Lamborghini

Marc Bouchard
Marc Bouchard
Automotive expert