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ALMS: LMPC rookie Ricardo Vera samples LMP1 power

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Antoine Cremer
Mazda Lites One 2011 champion, Ricardo Vera, earned himself a test-drive in Dyson Racing’s Lola-Mazda LMP/ prototype by winning the crown. He was in action at Sebring International Raceway.

It has to be said, Vera was already accustomed to driving prototypes, the little Élan DP02 Mazda-powered car he drove last season in Mazda Lites One championship being conceptually close to the cars seen in LMP1 and LMP2.

The raw pace of it all, however, was completely new to him. Getting familiar with more powerful machines was a good thing for Vera, since Brian Alder, for whom he drove last season, is stepping things up with an LMPC ALMS program.

"The car was great," said Vera afterwards, on "It was almost easier to drive than the LMPC car !

"I was impressed by the braking of the car and the handling. The gears were really quick and smooth. I would love to get another chance to drive the LMP1 car, it was a great experience!"

LMP1 champion Chris Dyson took good notes of the kid who got behind the wheel of his toy for a day. "I was really impressed with Ricardo," he said.

Are Chris Dyson and Ricardo Vera future LMP1 rivals?
Antoine Cremer
Antoine Cremer
Automotive expert