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Audi Tech Day: A glimpse into the future

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Mark Hacking
In conclusion...
The Audi Tech Day highlighted the fact that the chances of success of any given alternative fuel solution are, by and large, outside the control of the manufacturers.

There's little question that Audi can produce a hybrid or a biodiesel or a CNG-powered vehicle that could meet the demands of the average commuter. The question is: Which form of alternative fuel will governments around the world support? Will the refueling station on the corner offer natural gas or biodiesel or bioethanol?

Another question revolves around the relative cost of a particular alternative fuel compared to traditional gas or diesel. These costs vary by market and, of course, can also fluctuate wildly according to any number of global issues.

In the near term, while the resources are still available, solutions such as the new Audi diesels seem the best bet; they simply become more and more impressive all the time. At the same time, manufacturers must regularly introduce greater efficiencies - such as the new Audi air conditioning system - and lighter-weight materials, yet still work on keeping costs under control.

Further down the road, as oil reserves become exhausted, bigger and better solutions will be needed.
Mark Hacking
Mark Hacking
Automotive expert