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2010 Chicago Autoshow: Fun Facts

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Khatir Soltani
As reported by Chicago Auto Show

10,340,000 Total pounds of freight (est.)

8,340,000 Pounds of freight unloaded & spotted the first night (16 hours)

2,184 Number of semi-trucks to fill McCormick Place

1,700 Dedicated professional carpenters, decorators, teamsters, riggers, electricians, cleaners, porters, crate handlers, stage hands and official contractor personnel

1,300 Hoist motors for lighting trusses

1,097 Tractor trailers total

866 Number of Starbucks that could fit into McCormick Place

400 Semi Tractor Trucks unloaded in the first 16 hours of the targeted freight move-in

158 Total number of forklifts

68 Three-man crews to handle freight the first night

50 Boom lifts

40 Scissors lifts

25 Willis (Sears) Towers on the floor! (By footprint, not height.)

7 Days to set up the entire show

6 Number of exhibits worked around the clock for 3 days to be set for the first

day of the show's media preview

4 Hours taken to remove the cars from the show floor when it closes

2 Days to completely clear the McCormick Place show floor upon closing

1 Ranking of Chicago as North America’s biggest auto show

photo:Chicago Automobile Trade Association
Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
Automotive expert
  • Over 6 years experience as a car reviewer
  • Over 50 test drives in the last year
  • Involved in discussions with virtually every auto manufacturer in Canada