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Chevy Camaro more popular than the Ford Mustang in the US

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Marc-André Hallé
Since 1985, the Ford Mustang has totally dominated the Chevrolet Camaro in terms of sales. But times are changing. The latest vintage of the GM muscle car proved more popular in 2010 and accomplished what many considered impossible: it actually dethroned the Mustang.

Chevrolet Camaro 2011 (Photo: Chevrolet)

During the last year, 81,371 Camaros went to new homes, while only 73,716 Mustangs left dealer lots, giving General Motors a 7,655-unit lead. Thankfully for both automakers, sales of each muscle car have increased, by 10.6% for Ford and 31.9% for GM.

So GM has yet another reason to celebrate, having seen its global sales take off in 2010 and enjoying considerable success on the stock market since its return.

Source: Auto Blog
Marc-André Hallé
Marc-André Hallé
Automotive expert