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F1: 2011 Sauber driver Sergio Pérez visits factory in Hinwil (+photos)

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Khatir Soltani
Adapted from press release

Mexican Sergio Pérez, who will be racing for the Sauber F1 Team alongside Kamui Kobayashi in 2011 has visited the team’s factory in Hinwil, Switzerland on Thursday.

Photo: Sauber F1 Team

The 20-year-old GP2 driver has had his seat fitting in preparation for his first full scale test aboard the Ferrari-powered C29.

“I came here to meet my future team and also to find out where I am going to live here,” said Pérez.

“I want to be very close to the factory and to spend as much time as possible with them in my first season. I’m looking forward to having this experience and succeeding with the Sauber team. I did quite a lot of work with the engineers as it is good to get to know each other.”

Photo: Sauber F1 Team

As a newcomer in Formula 1, Pérez sais he had been impressed with the factory and the installations.

The rookie driver looks forward to his first taste of F1 power. “That will be in Abu Dhabi on November 17th. Wednesday right after my final GP2 race I will do one day and then we will see what comes next,” said the Mexican supported by telecommunication giant Telmex.

Photo: Sauber F1 Team

Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
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  • Over 50 test drives in the last year
  • Involved in discussions with virtually every auto manufacturer in Canada