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F1: Can you name this car?

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Khatir Soltani
The livery of the new breed of Formula 1 cars seen in Valencia, Spain may create some confusion amongst the fans. And there’s more than just the Lotus vs Lotus ongoing battle!

There are currently two teams battling to legally use the name “Lotus”. There’s Tony Fernandes’ team, officially called 1Malaysian Racing, but which ran under the “Lotus Racing” name last year and entered under the “Team Lotus” banner this season.

But wait, there’s another Lotus team on the grid! The Renault team has been renamed “Lotus Renault GP” following Proton’s involvement and sponsorship of the team. Proton is the owner of Lotus Cars. Are you following me?

And there will be more confusion down the line.

Ferrari F150 (Photo: WRI2)

The new Ferrari F150 car carries the logo of three different cars manufacturers. Yes, three. There’s obviously the Cavallino Rampante of Ferrari, but there’s also the logo of Fiat, and the logo of… Tata, the Indian car manufacturer. Although this is all done under various sponsorship contracts, it looks a bit bizarre.

And now let's look at the Lotus Renault.

Lotus Renault R31 (Photo: WRI2)

The black bodywork carries the logos of Lotus, Renault and… Lada. Again, this is “logical” as Renault is an investor of the Russian car manufacturer.

But we must admit that the whole thing is quite perplexing for the average race fan!

Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
Automotive expert
  • Over 6 years experience as a car reviewer
  • Over 50 test drives in the last year
  • Involved in discussions with virtually every auto manufacturer in Canada