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F1: Construction of Sochi Formula 1 circuit on schedule

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Khatir Soltani
Construction of the $200 million US Russian Formula 1 circuit for the first Grand Prix of Russia is on schedule, according to Formula Sochi officials.

A press release published by Formula Sochi said: "Many massive Olympic venues are already built, some sport facilities have been put in commission, while the motorsport venue is in the active phase of construction. Construction crews are making good progress with the preparing of groundworks and laying of the asphalt coat. The first layer of pavement has been laid in some areas."

Construction of the pit building Sochi F1 circuit
Construction of the pit building. (Photo: Formula Sochi)

German architect, Hermann Tilke, said to DPA News agency: “I can say that everything is going according to schedule. Everything is fine. We’ll be able to build the track in time, which means by 2014.”

The race control building is said to be near completion, with installation works at the pit complex due to get underway in the spring.

The new road courses should be ready to host Russia’s maiden Grand Prix in 2014, the same year as the Winter Olympics.

Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
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