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F1: German states ban cocaine-laced Red Bull

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Khatir Soltani
From GMM

The leading energy drink Red Bull's new cola variety has been ordered off the shelves in six German states. Could that hurt their sponsorship deals?

Red Bull, the owner of two formula one teams, launched Red Bull Simply Cola last year, and currently advertises the product on the large rear wing endplates of both the Red Bull RB5 and Toro Rosso STR4 cars.

But, for fear of narcotics law violations, it has been banned in Germany after tests by authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia showed the drink contains cocaine.

Red Bull responded by saying the product is "harmless", insisting the flavouring method using coca leaf extracts is widespread. The Austrian company also commissioned its own test and said no cocaine was found.

The energy drink Red Bull is also banned in Norway, Denmark and Uruguay.

photo:Vladimir Rys/Bongarts/Getty Images
Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
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