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F1: Lewis Hamilton reinforced commitment to McLaren in meeting

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Khatir Soltani
From GMM

Lewis Hamilton has revealed he sought out his boss Martin Whitmarsh to re-pledge his commitment to McLaren.

Recent speculation had linked the 2008 world champion with a future move to Red Bull, but he played those rumours down by saying the reigning champions are just "a drinks company".

Mark Webber then compounded Briton Hamilton's comments by mischievously answering "We are just a drinks company" when asked in Melbourne about his chances for the 2011 season.

Lewis Hamilton and Martin Whitmarsh - Photo: McLaren

But in a move to ensure McLaren is also convinced of Hamilton's commitment, the 26-year-old met with Whitmarsh in Melbourne to discuss the issue, according to Sky News.

"I've spoken to Martin today because I wanted to reassure him that I am here at McLaren, that I am committed to the team, committed to winning. I'm not thinking about going elsewhere, I don't have my people going elsewhere and doing any other talking," said Hamilton.

Martin Whitmarsh also confirmed the meeting but insisted that McLaren was already aware of Hamilton's commitment.

"It wasn't something I was going to raise with him, but it was nonetheless still nice for him to want to clarify his passion and restate his commitment to being in the team," he said.

However, Lewis Hamilton also made clear he sees a long future in formula one, and does not want to retire as the winner of a single world championship.

"You look at Sebastien Loeb, at Rossi, at Michael, the legendary drivers of their time and I want to be like that," he is quoted by Spanish language Europa Press.

Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
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