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F1: Lotus Renault F1 Friday drive for Bruno Senna in Budapest

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Khatir Soltani
The Lotus Renault GP Formula 1 team announced on Monday that Bruno Senna will drive the R31 in Friday’s first practice session during the Hungarian Grand Prix next weekend.

After joining the team in February as a Third Driver, Bruno will have the one-off opportunity to get behind the wheel at a race weekend with Lotus Renault, when he drives Nick Heidfeld’s car for the first 90-minute session.

Nick will return to the car to drive from FP2 onwards, alongside Vitaly Petrov.

The twenty-seven-year-old nephew of the great Ayrton Senna drove the older R29 earlier this year. He also drove the R31 in Jerez in February, and ran straight line aero testing on the car (R31) at Cambridgeshire’s Duxford circuit in May.

Bruno Senna (Photo: René Fagnan/

Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
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