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F1: Mark Webber takes first place on dry track

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Khatir Soltani
Finally the sun returned to Jerez after a torrential downpour last night left the local roads strewn with rocks, and the journey in and out of the circuit tricky for many.

A small mechanical issue early afternoon cost the team around two hours of running time, but Webber was able to get back out on track with plenty of time remaining and completed a series of short and long runs to test various chassis set-ups and analyse tire degradation.

Fernando Alonso -Ferrari photo: Ferrari


Fernando Alonso was back on track, having his fourth day of testing with the Ferrari team. The Spanish driver’s programme involved testing set-up and comparing car and tire behaviour in a variety of race situations.

Jenson Button was able to spend the majority of the day pursuing a consistent path with mechanical set-up development, despite the presence in the afternoon of an increasingly blustery wind. A few minor components will arrive overnight for evaluation tomorrow, but the main aim of the programme remains a continuation of today’s set-up development work.

Jenson Button - McLaren-Mercedes photo: McLaren


Nico Hulkenberg spent most of the morning doing pit stop practice with the race team before moving on to a race simulation. He then followed that up with a long run for set-up work. The cause of the problem, which forced Nico to stop out on track towards the end of the session, was hydraulic, but the part was high mileage.

Michael Schumacher's programme focused on developing the set-up of the MGP W01 and evaluating various changes over longer runs.

Robert Kubica - Renault photo: Renault

Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
Automotive expert
  • Over 6 years experience as a car reviewer
  • Over 50 test drives in the last year
  • Involved in discussions with virtually every auto manufacturer in Canada