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F1: Nico Rosberg insists Michael Schumacher not faster

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Khatir Soltani
From GMM

Nico Rosberg has refused to acknowledge that Michael Schumacher outpaced him throughout February's winter tests.

The 24-year-old German, who in his four seasons on the grid so far has recorded just two podiums, is this year teamed at Mercedes GP with Michael Schumacher, the most successful formula one driver of all time.

But when asked by Bild newspaper who was the quickest occupant of the W01 this winter, Rosberg answered: "Hard to say. We were seldom on the same track on the same day. I think Michael respects me a bit more after these tests, which is important to me. Above all, I wanted to show the team that the car runs equally well when I am at the wheel."

Nico Rosberg, whose father Keke Rosberg is the feisty Finnish world champion of 1982, warned that he does not foresee trailing Schumacher in 2010.

Amusingly, he also admitted that perhaps his only weakness is that he is "sometimes too ambitious".

"I will definitely be on a par with him (Schumacher) and win races this year. To do that I have to beat him now and then. But Michael is the best racing driver of all time, and certainly not without justification," he said.

Nico Rosberg therefore admits that he or his rivals are not likely to be leaving the 41-year-old in their dust.

"It won't be like that, but the tests have shown that there are at least four strong teams that are very close together. And one of these eight drivers must be at best eighth."

Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
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  • Over 50 test drives in the last year
  • Involved in discussions with virtually every auto manufacturer in Canada