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F1: Paddy Lowe lived his worst McLaren winter in 20 years

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Khatir Soltani
From GMM

The period between February and March was the "worst I've experienced in 20 years at McLaren", the British team's technical director has admitted.

Briton Paddy Lowe was referring to McLaren's recent winter campaign, when the new MP4-26 was proving not only slow but also terminally unreliable as the team persevered with an exhaust concept so complex it was dubbed 'the octopus'.

Paddy Lowe - Photo: McLaren

Following Lewis Hamilton's Shanghai win last weekend, he confided to Italy's La Gazzetta dello Sport that 2009 was also a bad start.

"But this was even worse, because then the problem was merely performance. At the final (2011 Barcelona) test the new items didn't work and the car was unreliable," said Paddy Lowe.

Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
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