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F1: Red Bull switch not tempting for Lewis Hamilton

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Khatir Soltani
From GMM

After a double championship defeat to Red Bull and Sebastian Vettel in 2010, Lewis Hamilton insists he is not tempted to switch to the energy drink-owned team.

"There is not one bit of me that feels I will ever want to drive for Red Bull," the Briton is quoted by the Mirror as saying in Abu Dhabi.

"It doesn't have the character, the history or the appeal to me that McLaren has," added the 2008 world champion.

Lewis Hamilton, 25, finished the 2010 standings in fourth place, behind both Red Bulls and also his former McLaren teammate Fernando Alonso, who now drives for Ferrari.

But he insists that McLaren is his team of choice.

"My hero Ayrton Senna drove for this team and I have always wanted to. Red Bull have done a fantastic job and huge congratulations to them for winning the constructors' championship. Of course, I want my car to be as good as that. I could be here for the next 10 years in this team. I believe they have got the most potential out of everyone," added Lewis Hamilton.

Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
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