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F1: Sergio Pérez admits consequences of concussion took time to disappear

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Khatir Soltani
In 2011, Sergio Pérez became the first Mexican Formula 1 driver in more than 30 years and had to deal with high expectation. The 21-year-old Sauber driver had a nasty crash in the streets of Monaco and had to recover from a concussion.

“Because of my accident I missed two races – Monaco and Canada – in which the car and the Sauber team performed very well. After I got back into the car it still took me a few more races until I was really a hundred percent again,” Pérez admitted in an interview published with the Swiss team.

Sauber F1
Photo: WRi2

Getting over the consequences of the concussion took Pérez more time than he expected.

“Physically I had to wait [to drive again]. This wasn’t easy, but it was important,” he explained.

“When I got back into the car for free practice in Canada I realised the difficulties I had. I felt dizzy, so it was impossible to drive. Two weeks later in Valencia I felt a lot better and was able to drive. It was better again in Silverstone and at the Nürburgring, but it was only in Budapest that I felt I was completely over it. It had been a very heavy impact and I learnt it takes time to physically make sure you feel right after suffering from concussion. Mentally it was a shock too. It helped me a lot to go home to Mexico and it was important to do all that work to prepare for racing again.”

Sergio Perez Sauber F1
Photo: WRi2

Pérez was happy he was fully in shape before the end of the season.

“For me my strongest performance was in Japan. I drove the second fastest lap of the race and was able to overtake a few cars. The team’s strategy worked very well. I was really happy at the end of that Grand Prix,” he said.

The Mexican added it's been a very busy season for him and he's more things to do before he can fly home and relax.

“Before Christmas I will fly to Switzerland for some preparation work in the factory, and then I will go back to Mexico. I want to spend some time with my family over Christmas, relax at the beach and then go somewhere else in Mexico to celebrate New Year’s Eve,” the Mexican said.

Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
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  • Over 6 years experience as a car reviewer
  • Over 50 test drives in the last year
  • Involved in discussions with virtually every auto manufacturer in Canada