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Five F1 representatives meet students to talk about career plans

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Khatir Soltani
As part of the activities surrounding the 2008 Canadian Grand Prix in Montreal, five F1 representatives took a few hours out of their busy schedules to meet high school students.

Tonio Liuzzi, test driver for Force India F1 team, Steve Clark, Race and Test Chief Engineer for Honda Racing F1 Team, Jean-Pierre Raymond, Safety and Logistics Director for ING Renault F1 Team, Silvia Hoffer Frangipane, Media Attaché for AT&T Williams, and Gino Rosato, Coordinator of Sponsor Services for Scuderia Ferrari Malboro, were available to answer questions from students

All of them have had different career paths, but they're motivated by the same passion for motor sports, particularly Formula One. Through the discussion, students got to learn more about the sport as well as related career opportunities.

For some, climbing the echelons all the way to Formula One proved to be a long, challenging adventure. Laval-born Gino Rosato, who's been working for Ferrari for more than 10 years, had to fight through many obstacles to get there. "The more you work, the luckier you get. That's what I say to everybody [...] In 1994, when I left for Italy, my father wanted me to stay home to finish school, but I kept my dream alive and dove head first. I slept in tents for many, many nights and I could eat cereals for two days straight because I had no money. It was extremely tough, but I was living my dream. Slowly but surely, I started earning people's trust, especially Jean Todt's, which allowed me to wind up where I am now."

At the end of the conference, Brigestone's Jeremy Smith handed a $2,500 check to St-Henri High School.
photo:Philippe Champoux
Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
Automotive expert
  • Over 6 years experience as a car reviewer
  • Over 50 test drives in the last year
  • Involved in discussions with virtually every auto manufacturer in Canada