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BP oil spill booms built into the Volt

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Marc-André Hallé
GM is currently collecting over 160 kilometres of the booms used to contain the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico to make parts for the Chevrolet Volt.

The American automaker will use around 100,000 lbs of plastic from the booms to make the cladding to cover the radiator fans in the 2011 Volt, recently launched in the US. According to a GM spokesperson, the leftover materials will be used in some of the company’s other products.

Photo: General Motors

These materials have been collected with the help of other organizations since June, and the process should continue for at least two more months.

This initiative is intended to promote Chevrolet as an eco-friendly brand. It would have taken a hundred years for the booms to decompose if they would have been thrown away instead of reused. Like Ford, GM will use materials that have been recycled and that are at the end of their life cycle in its vehicles.

Source: CNN

Marc-André Hallé
Marc-André Hallé
Automotive expert