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The first hydrogen Mazda Premacy RE delivered to Iwatani Corp.

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Luc-Olivier Chamberland
Mazda delivered the first Premacy RE powered by a hydrogen-gas rotary engine to Iwatani Corporation in Japan.

Iwatani specializes in energy development, so it was only natural that the company acquire an alternative-energy vehicle.

The Mazda RE system was originally created for the RX-8 Coupe in March 2006, which Iwatani also adopted first.

The Mazda Premacy RE Hybrid can run on both fuel and hydrogen thanks to a duel-tank system. The new hybrid technology significantly improves the vehicle’s performance and operating range. It can travel 200 kilometres on hydrogen only, twice as far as the system powering the RX-8. What’s more, the car is equipped with a lithium-ion battery.

Iwatani’s latest acquisition will be used commercially in Western Japan before being transferred to Kansai Airport and featured as a demonstration vehicle for the Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Demonstration Project (JHFC). It will be put to different uses there, such as promoting the technology.

Mazda has been actively developing hydrogen rotary engine technologies since 1991, when it introduced the HR-X.

Luc-Olivier Chamberland
Luc-Olivier Chamberland
Automotive expert