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IndyCar: Milwaukee race future in doubt

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Khatir Soltani
Sunday’s poor attendance for the IZOD IndyCar Series’ race at the Milwaukee Mile may well be the last straw and the Milwaukee race will probably be out of the schedule for next year.

Although the event offered a lot of action, plenty of passing and a few crashes, only an estimated 13,000 turned out on Father’s Day at the historic oval.

There were a lot of problems at a track that chews up promoters and spits them out as it was the case this time: the promoter not having a lot of experience could not secure a title sponsor for the race.

INDYCAR CEO Randy Bernard, after watching his first race at the nation’s oldest track, believes that it is time to do some rethinking.

If Milwaukee gets another chance, Bernard could be contemplating a doubleheader, possibly going back to the old August date during the State Fair or running the traditional week after Indianapolis.

In the meantime, Bernard paid a visit to Road America and came back believing that this track should get strong consideration next year.

Chicagoland Speedway, dropped from the INDYCAR schedule this season after 10 years, is also lobbying hard to get back on it.

Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
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